This is one of those paintings where the details will make or break things... IMO! I don't have a lot of patience so I have to work on the painting a bit, then get away from it for a bit... then go back and work on it some more, and so on. Slowly, usually very slowly, it begins to pull together. Do you ever work on paintings with lots of details? Do you ever get lost in all the little shapes? Value will be a big key to this painting... that is what will pull the small shapes together into big shapes.
Color Formulas (in case you don't have them already or have forgotten about them...):
- Burnt Sienna + Ultramarine = very attractive gray which dries with subtle granular patterns. (An excellent mixture for painting skies)
- Raw Umber is ideal for dulling blues, yellows and greens.
- Paint several sequences of colors in areas that move from light to shadow:
Thalo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Violet - cool shadow
- A neutral gray blue - Cobalt Blue + Burnt Sienna
- Shadows:
Intermediate Shadows- French Ultramarine Blue + Perm. Aliz. Crimson
Subtle Shadows- French Ultra. Blue + Perm. Rose
Vary the shadows from cooler (more blue) to warmer (more red)
Warmer in foreground, cooler in background
Be Still My Art,
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